Architectural Concrete Jungle Travels

Analog Toronto


There’s always a special place in my heart for Toronto. Strangely the city reminded me of home, for whatever odd reason, when I was studying in Buffalo. My return to this city reminded me how much has changed over the years. There’s even more new construction around. This city has this perpetual urban redevelopment going on… Lots of condos being built at the waterfront of Lake Ontario. I love the bay-and-gable style houses in the city, hope they don’t disappear.

The funky post-processing is a result of some experimenting on Analog Efex Pro. Not a big fan of the plug-in for daily use. It’s not as customizable as other plug-ins from Nik Software.  I still prefer using Color Efex Pro if I need something done fancy. 🙂

P.S.: I took this shot from a window in Casa Loma. 

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